Use alternate names when generating tax receipts

Posted 1 year ago

We've just published an update to the giving section that allows treasurers to choose which name should be used for a person when generating their tax receipts. You can choose between:

  • Their first name (the default)
  • Their birth first name
  • Their middle name

Of course these options will only be available if you've set either a birth name or middle name in the "People" section.

You can find this new option on the "Create Receipts" page in the three-dot dropdown menu beside each tax receipt. Any changes you make will be applied to both that tax receipt, as well as any future tax receipts you generate for that person.

This is a helpful change as it allows treasurers to use someone's real name when generating tax receipts — helping prevent any confusion with the fine folks in the tax department.

Inactive family members now visible to office bearers

Posted 1 year ago

Continuing on our recent update to show deceased members on the family page to everyone, we've also updated this page to now show any other inactive family members to office bearers.

This includes members who moved away, but also those who may have left for other reasons, like withdrawing or excommunication.

This change gives elders, deacons and pastors a little more insight into a family's history, further helping them in their care for them.

Deceased members now visible to everyone on family page

Posted 1 year ago

We've updated the family page to now always show deceased family members. This includes their name, their birth date (if your church's privacy settings allow it) as well as the date they passed away.

Previously deceased members were only visible to administrators and office bearers, but we've had many churches reach out to us asking us to have these members visible to everyone.

Showing deceased members helps make the congregation aware of these loved ones, creating opportunities to show the family support — especially on sensitive dates like the member's birthday or on the date they passed away.

Further, this change removes an awkwardness that previously existed where if an administrator was quick to mark a member as deceased soon after they passed away, the member would disappear from the family page rather abruptly at a time when that family page is being visited frequently. Now they can safely update the church records and this former member will still be visible.

If for some reason you'd prefer that a deceased member not appear on the family page, you can use the existing "visible" privacy setting to hide them.

Improved library navigation

Posted 1 year ago

Librarians will be happy to hear that we've reorganized the library section a little to make it a bit easier to get around.

We've added a new tabbed navigation that provides quicker access to checkouts, categories, and a new library statistics page.

For now the new statistics page simply includes the stats that were previously on the checkouts page, but we hope to add more interesting information to this page in the future.

The checkouts page also has a new search input, meaning if you have a barcode scanner attached to your computer you can now scan a book and then mark it as returned.

Streamlined library return process

Posted 1 year ago

The library section has been updated with a new streamlined "Return book" dialog when you click on a checkout on a book page or on the "Checkouts" page.

Previously clicking a checkout opened the "Edit checkout" dialog, which gave you the option to change who a book was borrowed by, the date they borrowed it, and also the date they returned it. Adding a "Return date" to a checkout would change its status to "Returned".

While this worked it wasn't super intuitive to have to edit a checkout in order to return a book. So we decided to create a new dedicated "Return book" dialog to optimize for this task, since that's the most common action to take when editing a checkout.

Plus we even autofill the "Return date" to today's date so you don't need to manually select a date unless it's different than today.

And you can still edit a checkout via the "Edit" link in the three-dot actions menu should you want too change who a book was borrowed by or the date that they borrowed it.

New "2 weeks prior" schedule reminders

Posted 1 year ago

You can now send schedule reminder emails out up to two weeks prior to the scheduled date. You can find this new option when creating or editing schedules under the "First email reminder" field.

Bulk download photo albums

Posted 1 year ago

Just like our recent update to the files section, you can now also bulk download all the photos in a photo album. When viewing a photo album, click the three-dot actions menu at the top-right of the screen, and then select the "Download photos (ZIP)" option to download all the photos in that album.

Bulk download files

Posted 1 year ago

You can now easily bulk download all the files in a specific folder in the files area. When viewing a folder, click the three-dot actions menu at the top-right of the screen, and then select the "Download files (ZIP)" option to download all the files in that folder.

Faster message searching

Posted 1 year ago

We've fixed an issue with the message search feature where searching was previously really slow if your congregation had a lot of past messages. It should now be super speedy!

Improved contribution sorting

Posted 1 year ago

We've just released a small update for church treasurers. We've added the ability to sort contributions by data in both ascending and descending directions. This applies to all the sort options — name, giving number, entry date, fund, amount, etc. You'll find these new options on the deposit page as well as the contribution search page.

Send messages to multiple recipients

Posted 1 year ago

Have you ever wanted to send a message to multiple groups? Or maybe to a group plus a couple other people? You now can!

When sending a new message you can now choose multiple recipients. This can include segments like "All members" or "All women", groups like shepherding groups or Bible studies, or even just individual members. You can mix and match recipients however you want.

And there's more! Have you ever wanted to send a message to everyone, but exclude one or two people? Maybe you're arranging a surprise birthday party for your pastor and don't want him or his wife to see the message. Well you can now add message "exclusions".

To do this first select the segment or group you want to send the message to, like "Everyone". Next, click the people count beside the "Send to" label and you'll see a list of everyone who is going to be included on the message. Beside each person you'll see an "Exclude" button. Click that button to make sure those members aren't included on the message you send out.

We're really excited about this feature and believe it makes the messaging feature in Church Social even more powerful. Enjoy!

Easier creation of funds and donors when adding contributions

Posted 1 year ago

We've just pushed out a little improvement for church treasurers. Now when you're creating new contributions on a deposit page you can quickly create new donors and funds without leaving the page.

To do this, simply click the "add donor" button beside the "Contributed by" input to create a new donor and click the "add new" button beside the "Fund" input to create a new fund.

After creating the new donor or fund it will automatically be selected and you can continuing entering the rest of the contribution details.

A nice little productivity improvement!

Improved country support

Posted 1 year ago

We've updated the country field when editing addresses to now include support for every country in the world. So if you happen to have a member with a Nauru mailing address, you can now properly set it, although I suspect postage will be expensive.

Introducing pinned file folders

Posted 1 year ago

Folders in the files section can now be "pinned to the top" of the list of folders and files. This feature is perfect for drawing extra attention to certain folders, such as something that's time-sensitive for your congregation right now.

To pin a folder, click on the three-dot actions menu located to the right of the folder, and select the "Pin to Top" option.

Now you can stop prefixing these folders with an underscore! 😊

"Families not in a shepherding group" report

Posted 1 year ago

We've just added a new "Families not in a shepherding group" report to the reports section to help you catch any families in your church that haven't been assigned to a ward, district, or whatever it is that you call shepherding groups in your church.