Recent visits now shown on visit details page

Posted 3 weeks ago

Recent visits now shown on visit details page screenshot

Office-bearers can now see recent visits on the visit details page, making it easier to review a member’s visit history. This allows for quick access to other recent visits and notes, helping with preparation for upcoming visits.

Tax receipt password protection

Posted 1 month ago

We've updated the PDF tax receipts generated by Church Social to now require a password for modification. This change ensures compliance with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requirements, which state:

Computer-generated official donation receipts are acceptable as long as:

  1. they have all the required information
  2. they are clear and easy to read
  3. the data on them cannot be altered and is protected from unauthorized access

Subscribe to filtered calendar

Posted 2 months ago

Subscribe to filtered calendar screenshot

The "Subscribe to calendar" feature now respects any filters you have applied to your calendar, so you can choose to limit which types of events from Church Social appear in your external calendar.

For example, if you're an office-bearer, you could choose to only include your visits in your external calendar.

Restrict sending messages to certain groups

Posted 2 months ago

Restrict sending messages to certain groups screenshot

We’ve introduced a new group setting that allows you to disable sending messages to certain groups.

This feature is particularly useful in situations where alternative communication methods are already established for a specific group, making messaging everyone in that group unnecessary. For example, many church councils and consistories have designated clerks responsible for managing correspondence, so all communication with these groups is typically routed through the clerk.

You can configure this setting on the "Create Group" or "Edit Group" pages. Simply set the "Allow sending messages to this group?" option to "No," and the group will no longer appear as a recipient option on the "New Message" page.

Bulk downloading file folders now includes nested folders

Posted 3 months ago

We've updated the option to download an entire file folder as a ZIP file to now include all the nested folders and files within it. Previously this option only included the files in the folder, and not any of the folders within it. This change is much more inline with what you'd expect when downloading all the contents of a folder.

Better date handling in Excel exports

Posted 4 months ago

We've updated all the Excel exports in Church Social to improve date handling. Previously, date columns were exported as plain text values, like "November 7, 2024". With this update, we now explicitly set the date data type, making it easier to work with dates in Excel.

Improvements to office-bearer visit tracking

Posted 4 months ago

The response to the new office-bearer visit tracking feature has been very positive—almost half of the churches using Church Social have already enabled it! We're thrilled to see that you’re as enthusiastic about this feature as we are.

This week, we made a few minor adjustments to the visits feature. This is fairly common when rolling out a major new feature, as we receive feedback from churches that helps us make small improvements.

First, the calendar now only displays your own visits, not those of other office-bearers. Initially, we thought it would be helpful to see all visits in the main calendar, but in practice, this made it more cluttered and made it harder to see your own visits. If you want to see what other visits are happening in your church, simply go to the reports area and view the "Visits" report or the "Week overview" report.

On the topic of visits in the calendar, our iOS and Android apps have also been updated to include visits in their calendars. Just make sure you’re using the latest version of the app (v1.2.0 or newer), or they won’t appear.

In the reports area, you may notice that the "Most frequently visited" report has been removed. While this was an interesting idea, we’re not convinced it provides much value to office-bearers and could even have unintended downsides, such as prompting questions like, "Why is this particular family getting so many visits?" That said, if you found this report helpful, you can recreate it as a custom report using the family report builder.

Finally, you can now export visits from the "Visits" report to either Excel or CSV. Please note that, due to their sensitive nature, visit notes are not included in this export.

We hope you find these improvements helpful!

Improvements to recipients list when sending messages

Posted 4 months ago

Improvements to recipients list when sending messages screenshot

When sending new messages, the recipients list now displays each person’s email address beside their name, making it easier to identify individuals when multiple members share the same name—a surprisingly common occurrence!

We've also added a new "view recipients" link that opens the recipients list dialog. This dialog has always been available through the total recipients count, but this wasn't very obvious, so we hope this change makes it more discoverable.

The recipients dialog is particularly helpful, as it not only shows everyone included in the message but also allows you to add exclusions. Ever wanted to send a message to everyone except one or two people? Perhaps you're arranging a surprise birthday party for your pastor and don’t want him or his wife to see the message. You can easily handle that with exclusions—available directly in the recipients dialog.

Improved calendar design and filtering options

Posted 5 months ago

The calendar just got a facelift! We've refined the design to make everything a bit more compact, fitting all those important church events more neatly while also simplifying the overall look to make the calendar feel less cluttered.

The mobile version has been completely overhauled. Instead of listing all events for the entire month—which could be overwhelming on a phone—you’ll now see just this week's events, with easy access to view events from other weeks in the month.

We’ve also added ages for birthdays and anniversaries (if permitted by your church's privacy settings), so you can quickly see how old someone is turning or how long a couple has been married.

On top of the visual improvements, we’ve introduced a new "Filter" option, allowing you to display only the types of events you're interested in. It's a great way to cut down on the noise when you want to focus on specific event types.

Office-bearer visit tracking

Posted 5 months ago

Office-bearer visit tracking screenshot

We are excited to announce our brand-new visit tracking feature for elders, deacons, and pastors! This is a feature we've been working on for many months, and with the home-visit season starting, it's the perfect time to release it!

This feature allows church leaders to track both past and future member visits within the app, helping ensure that all members are regularly visited. It also helps elders, deacons, and pastors coordinate their visits better, avoiding situations where a family may go without a visit for a year and then receive multiple visits in the same week.

New visits are created from the calendar page, which conveniently displays both your own visits and those being made by other office-bearers. This keeps everyone informed about the visits taking place.

There is also an option to include notes when creating visits, making it easy to reference them in the future if needed. Given that these notes may contain sensitive information, we've taken great care to ensure that only those who should see them can. We've provided a variety of settings for churches to control which office-bearers can view visit notes—whether it's only those who went on the visit, those within the same shepherding group (ward/district), those with the same role (elder/deacon), or a combination of these settings.

Church Social will also send office-bearers an email reminder the day before a scheduled visit—just in case they forget (though we know they won’t!).

In the reports area, there is a new "Family Visits" section, which includes the following reports:

  • Visits: A complete list of all past and future visits, which can be filtered by date, visit type (elder/deacon/pastor), who made the visit, who received the visit, shepherding group, and more.
  • My visits: Same as the "Visits" report but automatically filtered to show only your own visits.
  • Longest without a visit: This report highlights families who have gone the longest without receiving a visit—helpful for identifying higher-priority visits.
  • Most frequently visited: This report shows which families have received the most visits.

There is also an option to mark visits as "reported on." This provides a simple way to track which visits have been reported at council, consistory, or deacon meetings.

Finally, we’re already working on other improvements, such as making it easy to view a list of all past visits for a family from their profile page. Stay tuned for that!

If you'd like to start using the visit tracking feature in your church's account, have your Church Social administrator enable it in the settings area.


Filtering the "Week overview" report

Posted 5 months ago

The "Week overview" report, which is available to administrators, statisticians, report managers, and office-bearers in the reports area, just received a facelift.

You can now click on entries in this report to visit their respective pages elsewhere in the app.

You can also now filter which types of events (anniversaries, birthdays, schedules, event, etc.) are shown in this report.

Fixed issue with stalling file uploads

Posted 7 months ago

We've just fix a bug with our file uploader where sometimes when uploading multiple files or photos the upload would stall and never finish. This has been fixed — so no more waiting around wondering if the upload will ever finish!

Added the ability to delete library photos

Posted 7 months ago

A small improvement for librarians — you can now delete library item photos. Previously you could only replace them, or if you really wanted to delete them you had to delete the library item and recreate it, which, let's be honest, was a pain.

Schedule entries now filtered by year

Posted 7 months ago

Schedule entries now filtered by year screenshot

We've just updated the schedule page to filter entries by year instead of by month. Filtering by month was a little too granular, and practically it's more useful to see a schedule for an entire year than just for a month.

However, to keep things organized, we're still grouping entries by month within the year view, making it easy to still see all the entries for a specific month if you need to.

One nice benefit of this change is that you can now export all the entries for a specific year at once, which was previously not possible.

And, like before, when you first go to a schedule you'll only see upcoming entries by default.

New "Widowed" option for "Marriage status" filter in report builders

Posted 8 months ago

The "Marriage status" filter in the families and people report builders now includes a "Widowed" option, allowing you to create reports that highlight the widows and widowers in your congregation.