
A safe place to share church files.

The files section makes sharing member-only documents safe and easy. Upload and store policies, minutes from church meetings, logo files and a host of others. It’s even possible to create private categories for a group, such as an administration team, council/session or a fundraising team.
A dedicated place for all your church files.
Create private group-only file folders.
Deleted files are saved in trash.
Bulk upload files.

Simple file sharing.

In a world of Dropbox, Google Drive and iCloud, Church Social takes a simpler approach to file sharing. No new software required. Simply create folders, set permissions, and upload your files.
Screenshot of the files page

"Church Social allows our elders and deacons to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time shepherding the flock."

Rev. William den Hollander
Pastor of the Langley Canadian Reformed Church in British Columbia

Take it for a test drive.

There's no better way to learn if Church Social is right for your church than to actually try it. There's no credit card required.
Have questions? Please email us at [email protected] and we'd be happy to answer them.