Deceased members now visible to everyone on family page
We've updated the family page to now always show deceased family members. This includes their name, their birth date (if your church's privacy settings allow it) as well as the date they passed away.
Previously deceased members were only visible to administrators and office bearers, but we've had many churches reach out to us asking us to have these members visible to everyone.
Showing deceased members helps make the congregation aware of these loved ones, creating opportunities to show the family support — especially on sensitive dates like the member's birthday or on the date they passed away.
Further, this change removes an awkwardness that previously existed where if an administrator was quick to mark a member as deceased soon after they passed away, the member would disappear from the family page rather abruptly at a time when that family page is being visited frequently. Now they can safely update the church records and this former member will still be visible.
If for some reason you'd prefer that a deceased member not appear on the family page, you can use the existing "visible" privacy setting to hide them.