Streamlined library return process

Posted 1 year ago

The library section has been updated with a new streamlined "Return book" dialog when you click on a checkout on a book page or on the "Checkouts" page.

Previously clicking a checkout opened the "Edit checkout" dialog, which gave you the option to change who a book was borrowed by, the date they borrowed it, and also the date they returned it. Adding a "Return date" to a checkout would change its status to "Returned".

While this worked it wasn't super intuitive to have to edit a checkout in order to return a book. So we decided to create a new dedicated "Return book" dialog to optimize for this task, since that's the most common action to take when editing a checkout.

Plus we even autofill the "Return date" to today's date so you don't need to manually select a date unless it's different than today.

And you can still edit a checkout via the "Edit" link in the three-dot actions menu should you want too change who a book was borrowed by or the date that they borrowed it.