Introducing the new document archive

Posted 11 years ago

Introducing the new document archive screenshot

A big announcement today—the new document archive tool is now available! Found under the "Archives" section, there is a new tab labeled "Documents". Documents are organized into categories, and there is no limit on the number of categories you can create, or the amount of documents that you can upload.

A handy feature for councils is the restricted document categories. This will prevent access to documents in a specific category for all members who are not office bearers. In fact, they will not even see the category listed at all. There are five possible permission settings:

  • Everyone
  • Office Bearers
  • Pastors
  • Elders
  • Deacons

The document archive has been designed so that all members of the congregation can contribute to it, meaning anyone can create, edit and delete documents. This is similar to how the current calendar and photo galleries function. For accountability purposes, we've built a new logging system into Church Social that tracks member activity. This report can be found within the "Member Management" tools, under "Reports". Currently only the document archive events are being logged, but overtime we'll be adding this to other areas of the app as well.

And as always, this feature is brand new, so please let us know if you run into any bugs!